Green Light Program

Coming Soon

OMNI Hockey’s Green Light Program is in development and will be launching soon. In the meantime, please check out the following organizations that are doing amazing work supporting environmental sustainability.

Green Sports Alliance (GSA) is an American organization that focuses on making sport more environmentally friendly and sustainable. They do this by reducing waste, conserving energy and water, and by eliminating toxic chemicals. They also have a membership program where members receive resources, guides, and expertise on sports greening. Some resources include conversations with sports greening professionals, access to industry case studies, monthly webinars, playbooks and greening guides, and fan engagement tools. This spreads awareness about what is environmentally possible in sports, business, and society. Green Sports Alliance offers 3 programs, youth engagement, athlete engagement, and fan engagement.

Rink watch is a science research initiative that asks hockey players at ODRs to monitor the weather conditions which help environmental scientists monitor weather changes and study climate change. This organization was founded at Laurier University in January 2013, and weather submissions have been made on over 1400 ODRs. This is done by going to their website, joining, going to the online map provided, putting the location of your favourite ODR, and submitting a photo or description of the rink. Using the enter rink data button you record the daily skating conditions (but you don’t have to add conditions every single day). They also have activities such as rink talk (a podcast), sentinels, science, for teachers, and fun videos. Sentinels is something CARHA could promote and collaborate with the ODR campaign as it works with participants and project assistants to monitor daily ODR skating conditions in specific areas. Participants will receive a customized report with their rink’s data, a summary of the collective data, and some Rink Watch merch.

Climate Atlas Canada gives the readers information on how to become more sustainable at home, and how people in power can make cities more sustainable. They discuss urban planning, transportation, personal choices, how to be more prepared, and give resources to better the reader’s understanding of climate change. There is a “take action” page included to learn about innovative climate action that is taking place across Canada. People can also sign up to receive emails ensuring they stay up to date about Climate Atlas updates. They also have pages on Indigenous knowledges, videos, articles, local data, and downloads where you can see a graph of the climate in a given time period of your choice.

Canadian Environmental Network (RCEN) enables cooperation and networking among non‐profit, nongovernmental environmental organizations across Canada and worldwide. Becoming a member will provide networking resources and opportunities with experts who want to help environmental protection. Members can also connect with other members to collaborate on related work. Instead of/ as well as becoming a member people can also donate and make the voice of environmental protection louder. RCEN also sponsors the Canadian Youth Biodiversity Network, and held a consultation with Canadian youth to talk about environmental and biodiversity issues to focus on.

Green Communities Canada (GCC) focuses on working with others to solve the climate questions of “how” instead of ‘why”. Their mission is to connect communities and their climate action groups through a network of national resources to get strategies, make innovative programming, and raise the collective input. You can help by becoming a member or supporting their programs. You can also sign up to receive emails about green community’s news.

Sustainability Sport is an online platform created to collect and combine sport’s efforts in sustainability and give a variety of resources to inform, educate, and inspire. They have news stories, case studies, and information on the IOC available for anyone to read. They also discuss the sustainable development goals and biodiversity. Their objective is to increase the visibility of sustainability initiatives in the field of sport, promote knowledge sharing, contribute to the improvement of sustainable practices, and encourage dialogue, coordination and the development of fruitful partnerships.

Home Depot is focussing on making Eco Options that helps consumers find home improvement products that are better for the environment. This empowers consumers to make a difference, not only affecting their home but the planet as well. This will transform the market for a more sustainable future. They also have garden products that are better for bees and other insects and have a battery ad cellphone recycling program.