The Inside Scoop: PWHL Training Camp with Lexie
Lexie Adzija
Forward for PHWL Ottawa

My name is Lexie Adzija and I’m one of the youngest forwards on the new PWHL Ottawa team. 

I’ve recently signed my first professional hockey contract and words can’t even begin to describe how grateful and excited I am. Just a year ago, the idea of earning money while playing the sport I love seemed like a distant dream.

“This entire experience still feels surreal to me.”

I’ve consistently used the term “refreshing” to describe my initial weeks in training camp.  Each day, every player arrives at the rink ready to compete and get better. This makes the environment extremely fun to be a part of because competing is what I love to do. The energy has been phenomenal and the talent is incredible. Everyone feels so blessed and excited to be in Ottawa… and it has definitely shown on the ice. 

Our team lives by the mantra “Earn It, Every Day.” This means that every day, even on the bad days, you still try to bring your best and earn the opportunity to step on the ice and represent Ottawa. We understand that it’s a privilege to play the sport we love every day, and we want to make sure that we never take that for granted. 

“Earn It, Every Day.”

We are currently focusing on defining our identity both on and off the ice. When new teams are formed, it’s usually the team that gels the most and has the best chemistry that surpasses its opponents. With each passing day, we are learning more about each other, building chemistry, and laying the foundation of this franchise.

Our staff has also made team bonding activities a priority. We have done some fun things, for example a scavenger hunt through downtown Ottawa, which also helped us learn some of the city’s history, engage with the community, and explore! 

Lexie and teammates at an Ottawa 67’s game. Image source: @pwhl_ottawa

Personally, my goal is to be where my feet are. I want to take this all in and enjoy every single moment because I genuinely feel fortunate to be here. Growing up, the concept of playing professional Women’s hockey was never a possibility, making the realization of my current journey all the more surreal. Now, as I lace up for this new chapter, I hope I can be a role model and inspire young girls to dream big, knowing that playing at this level is now an attainable goal. 

On the ice, I aspire to make a meaningful impact in whatever role I undertake and learn from some of the older players I’ve looked up to. Off the ice, you can expect to see me at community events, in schools, and at various rinks helping out. I love to be involved in my community. 

Heading into and prepping for this season, I think the biggest change is that I’ve transitioned from a student-athlete to a full-fledged professional athlete. This is my job now, and being a pro means prioritizing my body’s optimal condition for peak performance. It’s crucial that I take care of my body in order to be at my best, so some of my daily routines have changed. Everyday, on top of treatments and mobility sessions at the rink, I do two extra stretching/recovery/mobility sessions on my own, and I’ve definitely noticed a difference in how my body feels. 


These transitions and the demands of training camp have been manageable for me. As a recent graduate who navigated 7-8 courses per semester and earned two rigorous master’s degrees while actively playing Division 1 hockey, it definitely helped with my time management skills and prepared me for life after school. 

The transition to the colder weather in Ottawa has been a little bit more of an adjustment and I quickly made a trip to the mall to get a new winter coat and boots. But, more importantly, the community support has been second to none. I’ve been in awe of how welcoming and helpful the city of Ottawa has been and I know I speak for the whole team when saying we can’t wait to represent this city! 

“To those who have come before us, who have gotten us to this place, who believe in us and have supported and will continue to support Women’s hockey, thank you.”

Looking ahead, the PWHL holds a bright future. With the game expanding and an abundance of talent emerging, I’m optimistic that the PWHL will continue to expand. As we step into this exciting era, I feel so blessed, grateful, honored and beyond excited to be in Ottawa and to be playing professional Women’s hockey. To those who have come before us, who have gotten us to this place, who believe in us and have supported and will continue to support Women’s hockey, thank you. To those who are skeptical of us or have not seen a women’s hockey game, I ask that you give us a chance. Come out and watch a game and let us prove to you that we are fast, skilled and enjoyable to watch. 

I can’t wait for the first puck drop in January and to see and meet so many of our Ottawa fans. We will make you proud. See you at the rink and go Ottawa go!!!  


Cheer on Lexie and her teammates as Ottawa takes on Montreal in their first game at TD Place on January 2nd at 7 PM.

The PWHL has not yet provided information on when tickets will be available.




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